
Content of the Privacy Policy

  • Addressees of this Privacy Policy
  • Purposes of this Privacy Policy
  • How to contact us (the Data Controller)
  • Purposes of our Data Collection
  • Data we collect on Conference Delegate and Account Holder
  • Registration Information Provided by You
  • How Do We Use the Collected Information?
  • How Long Do We Keep Your Data?
  • Data Processors and Vendor Partnerships
  • Your Rights and How to Complain
  • You Right to Opt-out and Revoke
  • Data Breach Policy
  • Affiliated Sites/Links
  • Questions or Comments
  • Privacy Protection Policy Changes


At The Meeting Planners (TMP) we recognize the importance of securing and protecting all data and the privacy of certain basic personally identifiable data, such as contact information, demographic information and payment processing information. We do not collect data from individuals unless provided to us voluntarily and knowingly and with access to update and change the data at will.

Addressees of this Privacy Policy

“You” refers to individuals who access and use the sites and/or our services. For example, you may be a delegate of one of our conferences/events who accesses and uses the sites and registration systems; you may be the employee or agent who contacts us for the services we may provide. Or, you may be a visitor to our Website(s) who is just interested in browsing and learning more about TMP or any of our conferences.
“TMP” refers to The Meeting Planners A/S.
If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not access or use the Sites or Services.

Purposes of this Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to balance our legitimate business requirements in collecting and using information with the reasonable expectation of privacy and security which may be held by those providing such information.
This privacy policy explains how we collect, store and use personal data about you when you browse TMP website and websites created by TMP for our clients (hereafter “sites”), correspond with TMP, register/sign up on any of TMP’s responsible or associated conferences and events, or otherwise provide your personal data to us. You must read this privacy policy carefully. Be also aware that TMP reserves the right to modify this Data Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. All changes will be included on this Website, and you can always access the current updated version.

By accessing, browsing, registering, filling in or otherwise using the sites or TMP’s responsible or associated registration forms, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to this privacy policy in its entirety. If you do not agree to this privacy policy in its entirety, you must not continue utilizing the information, sites, forms provided by TMP. We will never sell any information about you to anyone.

How to contact us (the Data Controller)

The processing of your personal data is carried out by The Meeting Planners ApS, with physical address at Lyngby Hovedgade 44A, DK-2800, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark (CVR: 36072423). For any clarification, question or requirement related to your privacy and the processing of your personal data, you can contact, acting as the internal data protection officer.  

Purposes of our Data Collection

It Is necessary for us to collect and store information to provide our conference and event organizers and delegates communication and related services as well as for billing purposes. At TMP we collect data, whether on behalf of our conference clients or for ourselves, via four methods: delegate registration system (service provided by data processor, event activities, vendor partnerships, and purchases. >Download DPA here<

We collect key information from our conference, workshop or event delegates to provide conference planning and logistic services and for operational effectiveness. When relevant we will use your contact information to invite you to similar events within the same subject area

Data we collect on Conference Delegate and Account Holder

Delegates provide data directly when creating a registration account and can update his/her individual data anytime via the conference registration portal.

We specifically collect the following types of data

Name and contact data: We collect your first and last name, phone number, address, email address, organization name and other related data. Upon your agreement, this part of data may also be included in the delegate list distributed to the conference delegates

Passport data: At times passport information such as full name printed on the passport, passport number, passport issuing and expiry date, date of birth, etc, in order to provide invitation letters for visa applications.

Demographic data: We collect data about you such as your gender, membership, and country. Upon your agreement, this part of data may also be included in the delegate list distributed to the conference delegates.

Payment data: We collect data necessary to process your payment if you make purchases (such as a credit card number and EAN number). Credit card payments are handled by Stripe's Payment solution using SSL-encryption.
Credentials: At times we collect passwords, password hints, and similar security information used for authentication of accounts.

Personal preferences: We collect personal preference data including choices of activities, or special dietary requirements in order to provide personalized services.

Contact Logs: Any communication or contact with delegates and guests of TMP’s responsible conferences/events are saved and tracked in contact logs, registration system, our email archive, as well as additional engagement data (clock hours, payment service provider portal etc).

Traffic data: We use Google Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager to help analyse how users use the sites we created for the conferences/events. The tools use cookies to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the sites (including your IP) is transmitted to Google. This information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of our Sites and to compile statistical reports on sites’ activity in order to monitor the attractiveness of our sites and improve their performance or content. This usage information will only be used within TMP and our relevant partners, to increase the quality of content, service and support to our clients. Some of this information may be made public from time to time; however, it will only be in an aggregate, non-personally identifiable form.

Registration Information Provided by You

TMP collects personal information when you register for a newsletter, request for proposal, register your congress, contact us directly to request our services or participate in the conference or event products organized by TMP.

You agree that:

  • The personal information which you provide when you register as a customer is true, accurate, current and complete in all respects.
  • You will notify us immediately of any changes to the Personal Information by contacting us by e-mail
  • You agree not to impersonate any other person or entity or to use a false name or a name that you are not authorized to use.
  • You will keep your registration information secure and not disclose it to any third party.

How Do We Use Collected Information?

We will treat all your personal information as confidential. Information about our delegates is an important part of our business in order to be able to provide them with the best possible services. We do not share your information with any third parties other than for the limited, explicit reasons specified below; neither are we in the business of selling it to others. Public Authorities (such as the Police and Embassy) are entitled to ask for access to data handled by TMP. In these cases, TMP will only hand over the data, if the authorities have proper reason in connection with the services we provide (such as visa application in order to enter Denmark), documentation for laws being violated or if they have a court order to demand access to personal data.

We will only disclose data to:

  • Your personal data will be shared with organizer of the conference/event and it is strictly kept from anyone else than the organizer.
  • We share it on a limited basis with other delegates who attend the same event as you. For this specific purpose, we will always request for your consent to agree on having your personal data listed on the delegate list.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

We keep your personal data for a limited period of time depending on the purpose for which it was collected, at the end of which your personal data will be deleted or otherwise rendered anonymous in an irreversible way.

a) data of the registered user for abstract submission: the data will be stored until you request cancellation of your profile or for a maximum of current year + 5 years.

b) data of the registered user for conference attendance: the data will be stored until you request cancellation of your profile or for a maximum of current year + 5 years after the conference attendance, in accordance with the Danish Bookkeeping Act.

c) data relating to the payment: up to the certification of the payment and the conclusion of the related administrative and accounting formalities resulting from the expiration of the right of withdrawal and the terms applied for the contestation of the payment. We will keep necessary billing information for current year + 5 years in accordance with the Danish Bookkeeping Act.

d) data relating to the customer services and inquiries: the data will be stored until you request cancellation of your correspondence and data or for a maximum of 2 years after the latest activity on your profile.

e) CV: We may keep your CV and application for a maximum of current year + 1 year

f) data used for carrying out market research and surveys for the detection of satisfaction: as long as the user does not request the termination of the activity

Data Processors and Vendor Partnerships

We use a platform provided by Stova Group LCC, who acts as our Data Processor. Credit card payments are handled by Stripe's Payment solution using SSL-encryption. Stripe’s Privacy Policy can be found HERE

All processings provided by our Data Processors are governed by Data Processing Agreements ensuring proper technical and organizational security measures. We also partner with third-party vendors who provide additional services such as catering, meeting venue, entertainment, transportation etc. These partners may maintain personal data specific to their provided service. All vendors are vetted to ensure they have proper data privacy and security procedures. For the complete list of TMP's third-party partners contact

Your Rights and How to Complain

You have the following rights

  • The right to ask what personal data that we hold about you at any time and also its origin and how it is used;
  • The right to ask us to update and correct or delete any personal data that we hold about you.
  • The right to opt out of any communications that we may send you. You may always withdraw a consent provided by you to a specific processing – such as newsletters you signed up for or if you agreed to be on the delegate list. See further below.
  • If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us using the following contact details:
  • If you are dissatisfied with our processings of your personal data, you may at any time file a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency (in Danish “Datatilsynet”):
    Address: Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K.
    For more information view the Danish Data Protection Agency’s website:

Your Right to Opt-out and Revoke

As stated above you have choices about the data we collect and use your rights to obtain transparency in regard to our processing’s of your data. However, please note certain contact information is required in order to register and attend the conference/event services we provide. To update your data or change preferences simply log back to your registration account of your registered conference or contact To request anonymization or deletion of your data, please send an email to with specifications of your wishes. TMP will ensure the request is fulfilled within 30 days excluding the extent TMP is required by law to retain some or all the conference data.

Data Breach Policy

We want to ensure that your identity and data stays secure; therefore, if an incident does occur, and for incidents that occur at our third-party vendors, we will promptly inform affected individuals as may be required by law or our policies.

Affiliated Sites/Links

TMP provides our delegates and clients with various URL links that may be beneficial or of interest to our services. Many of these sites are owned and operated by independent companies and organizations that are neither owned nor controlled by TMP. For information on their processing’s of your data should you choose to access these site we please refer you to obtain information from said companies and organizations.

Questions or Comments

Any questions or comments that relate to the TMP Privacy Protection Policy may be directed to us at TMP by post or email to

Privacy Protection Policy Changes

In the future, we may need to change this Policy. TMP reserves the right to modify this Data Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. All changes will be included on this Website so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone. This Policy was last updated on February 21, 2024.