Hvad siger vores kunder?
Ét er, hvad vi selv siger, men hvad siger kunderne?
Gennem årene har vi haft fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med vores fantastiske kunder og derigennem møde tusindvis af gæster fra forskellige brancher fra alle dele af verdenen. At få mulighed for at arbejde tæt sammen med vores kunder på projekter og planlægning af disse og derved møde så mange mennesker med forskellig baggrund, er nok noget af det, der gør vores job allermest spændende.
Vi værdsætter den positive feedback, som I har givet os. Hvad enten I har sendt os feedback eller ej, om I husker os eller ej, så takker vi for, at I valgte os og for at deltage i vores events.
Her er ordene
16th Nordic Breast Cancer Congress
We had the pleasure of working with Meetingplanners for the 16th Nordic Breast Cancer Congress held in Copenhagen on September 21-22, 2024. The congress was a resounding success, thanks in no small part to the professional involvement of Meetingplanners. Their expertise and dedication ensured a smooth and well-organized event.
The collaboration was excellent, and we highly recommend Meetingplanners as a congress partner.
Anja Skjoldborg Hansen, Chairman, Brystkræftforeningen
The Meeting Planners has been the Conference organizer for the biannual meeting of the Nordic Urogynecological Association (NUGA) since 2017. They provide a high level of excellency. They have given us in the NUGA Board invaluable help in organizing this complex, multinational and multi professional conference. They are knowledgeable, experienced, highly responsible and easy accessible by mail or phone for small and/or big decisions and problems that always arise when planning a big scientific meeting/conference. They have a wide contact net and are able to secure good venues for conferences of varying sizes to reasonable prizes.
NUGA has in the past had different Conference Organizers, but none have reach the level of excellence provided by The Meeting Planner and especially Mette Benzon who has been our main contact person. We could not be more pleased with their work for us. The NUGA Conference strives at delivering a meeting at the highest possible scientific level, but just as important is the practicalities regarding admissions, organising of abstracts, web-page, the handling of sponsors, contracts, venue etc. The Meeting Planners has always delivered for us on all accounts and we in the NUGA Board can highly recommend them for future events.
Rune Svenningsen, President, The Nordic Urogynecological Association (NUGA)
BIBM Congress 2021
We planned and organized together the BIBM Congress (European Association for Precast Concrete) when COVID started in 2020. From May 2020 we first had to shift to November 2020 and finally made it in November 2021. For the preparations and during that hard times we always could count on the professional support of TMP.
The team around not only always had information and plan A, B, C, D, E prepared, but also have empathy for their customers needs. In addition the team of TMP really engages in each project to 110% and has a feeling for what exhibitors and delegates could enjoy and prefer, or what ist he „smoothest“ way to arrange processes at an event. Thank you for your efforts TMP and all the best for the future!
ICW Virtual Workshop 2021
The meeting organizing and handling all the issues was really excellent and in particularly when considering the situation with COIVD and all other items.
It was a real pleasure to work with you and we want to give you warm words of thank and appreciation for your excellent and professional service. We can really highly recommend you and the meeting planners to any other scientists and scientific organizations.
Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med The Meeting Planners på 5 konferencer indtil videre. Hvad der var planlagt som en enkelt konference, udviklede sig til en serie med en fast konference hvert andet år. The Meeting Planners’ professionalisme og erfaring gjorde vores konference til noget exceptionelt, som publikum fra hele verden krævede gentaget og nu ser frem til år efter år.
Jeg må sige lige ud, at samarbejdet med Berrit og hendes team er det bedste samarbejde, jeg har oplevet gennem hele mit arbejdsliv. Teamet besidder en sjælden menneskelig glæde og professionalisme, som smitter af på konferencen og publikums oplevelse. Det er en sand fornøjelse, og jeg glæder mig hver gang, den næste konference skal planlægges. The Meeting Planners bidrager til alle dele af planlægning og udførslen af konferencen, de er fantastisk fleksible, og den allestedsnærværende hjælp gør arbejdet nemt og spændende.
Personligt har denne konferenceserie givet mig et uvurderligt internationalt ry, som har haft stor betydning for min karriere. Det er jeg Berrit og hendes team evigt taknemmelig for.
EWM Conference
The Meeting Planners ydede en fantastisk support i forbindelse med afholdelse af ”Engineering with Membranes 2019” i Båstad, Sverige. De var med hele vejen fra den første spæde idé til konferencens afslutning. The Meeting Planners hjalp med deres famøse ekspertise og udviste en enorm fleksibilitet i at udvikle, udleve og udføre mine idéer til at gøre denne konference til en fantastisk oplevelse for alle dens deltagere.
I was the Chairman and prime organizer of the 16.th European Meeting on Complement in Hu man Disease that was held from September 8th to 1ih, 2017 at Hotel Scandic Copenhagen. At the Congress there were nearly 440 participants from 28 nations. The Congress was a mixture of teaching sessions, keynote speeches and scientific presentations combined with numerous social events. We choose to use the Danish Congress Organizer the Meeting Planners that was in charge of the practical arrangement of the Congress. They were also involved in all pre congress steps from designing logo, attracting sponsors, running homepage, organizing abstract reviewing, putting the final program together, budget planning etc as well as the daily organization of the congress including transportation and lodging. We could not have chosen a better partner than the Meeting Planners under the leadership of Ms Berrit Rasmussen and her colleagues. They im pressed me and I will for sure use them again to arrange future scientific congresses. The ser vices they provided were timely and of very high quality. I cannot remember I have experienced a congress organizer as professional as the Meeting Planner, but at the same time with a personal touch, making the 16.th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease a great success given the feedback I have received from participants.
To sum up The Meeting Planner is an excellent top international congress organizer and is an example to be followed by others.
Do not hesitate to contact me for further views or considerations.
Christina E. Høi-Hansen, Doctor and chairman, Rigshospitalet
Overlæge Phd medicinsk afd O, Herlev Hospital
The Danish Institute of Arbitration
The Meeting Planners have been an excellent partner in our planning and execution of the accommodation and social programme at Unge Forskere. With a high attention to detail and a commitment to providing exceptional service, The Meeting Planners have taken great care of our participants. I can highly recommend The Meeting Planners for your next event!