Cookies and personal data policy

Owner of the website and contact information
This website is operated and owned by:
The Meeting Planners
Danish Central Business Register No. 36072423
Telephone: +45 60 21 74 21

Personal data policy

By using this website,, you accept that The Meeting Planners processes your personal data in accordance with this data policy.

You are kindly requested to abstain from using this website if you cannot accept this data policy.

When visiting this website, you will be asked to provide information, such as your name, address, e-mail address or telephone numbers, in relation to subscribing to one or more services. The purpose of our recording your personal data is to be able to provide you with answers and services.

We will never sell or otherwise disclose such data without your explicit approval. Your data is safe with us. Unless otherwise indicated, such data is not transferred and stored in encrypted form. However, all data is protected behind a firewall.

We only disclose personal data if required by law or a court order.

Processing of personal data is subject to the Danish Act on the Processing of Personal Data (Persondataloven) and, beginning on 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation. Your personal data is recorded by The Meeting Planners. We only retain your personal data as long as necessary in respect of the purposes indicated in our personal data policy. The purpose of our recording your personal data is to be able to supply the product to you.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we record your e-mail address. Your e-mail address will not be disclosed to others. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by using a link at the bottom of the newsletter. By unsubscribing, you automatically withdraw your consent, and your data is deleted from our mailing list.

When personal data is collected through our website, we always ensure that your explicit consent is obtained, thus ensuring that you are informed about precisely which information is collected, and why.

Data Security

Your personal data is processed in a secure and confidential manner, regardless of whether it is related to subscribing to a newsletter, or whether you are a client of The Meeting Planners. We process your personal data in compliance with the legislation, and it will only be used for the purpose for which it has been collected, and for which consent has been given. Your data will be retained until no longer relevant. The Meeting Planners employs third parties for certain tasks, for example server hosting and payment handling.

Certain personal data is managed by a third party (processor), which stores and processes personal data on behalf of The Meeting Planners in accordance with this data policy and applicable legislation on personal data protection.

The Meeting Planners is the controller responsible for storing your data.

Log statistics

Log statistics are used at, which means that a statistics system collects data that can provide a statistical picture of the number of visitors to a website, their origin, the part of the website from which they leave, etc.
Log statistics are used at for the purpose of optimising the website and its functionalities.

As a rule, you can access the website without telling us who you are or otherwise providing personal information, but to shop with us through the website, you need to register with the following personal information:

* Name
* Address
* Telephone number
* E-mail
* Danish Central Business Register No. – only for businesses

We only disclose personal data if required by law or a court order.

The following employee groups have access to the recorded data:
Administrative, support and accounting staff.

Additional information about data security and encryption:
We do not store customer data in encrypted form.
We transfer customer data in encrypted form via SSL connection.
Your data will not be disclosed to any third party.
No sensitive personal data is recorded.


You can get access to your data stored with The Meeting Planners at any time. If the data stored with us is incorrect or incomplete, it will be rectified as soon as possible. If you no longer wish to remain registered with The Meeting Planners, we will delete your data within 14 days after receipt of your written notification in relation to this.

Web statistics

We use web statistics, amongst other things to find out which of our products are most popular.


We use cookies at

A cookie is a small passive data file stored on your computer which helps you remember previously visited websites and your preferences. As an example, a cookie can remember if you are looking for tools, as opposed to lamps, which means that you will get the most views of and promotions for tools. Hence, cookies are also used in relation to advertising, since banner ads, etc. are targeted to your preferences.

For example, cookies are used for statistics by Google Analytics and other traffic traces. You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies here:

To be able to improve and further develop the websites of The Meeting Planners, we maintain statistics about the visitors’ use of the pages. The statistics are exclusively used in summarised form, e.g. to see which pages and browsers are most used by our customers.

The Meeting Planners uses Google Analytics for collecting visitor statistics. In relation to this, IP addresses are disclosed to Google Analytics. Google may disclose such data to a third party if required by law, or if a third party carries out tasks on behalf of Google. Visiting implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy for Google Analytics, which can be read at

At, _ga cookies are used via Google Analytics, which assigns a unique ID to each visitor. This is used to follow how the website is used. This data is retained for 26 months.

Other traffic traces use _paq which assigns a unique ID to each visitor. This is used to follow how the website is used. This data is stored as long as we find the data relevant.

Except for the cases mentioned above, The Meeting Planners does not disclose data pertaining to each customer’s use of the services at

Cookies are anonymous and therefore do not contain any personal data. The data file is passive, so it cannot spread viruses or harm the computer or programs.

Contact Form

When you send a message via our contact form, we store your data to be able to reply to your enquiry. When you use our contact form, your data is transferred in encrypted form.

Opting out of cookies

You can delete all your cookies from your computer or actively opt in to or out of cookies for each website at any time. Opting in to and out of cookies is done in the browser settings on your computer. Therefore, the website provider cannot control or change it. You need to be aware that by opting out of cookies, you will become unable to use many functions and services, because it is a prerequisite for them that the website can remember your choices.

Deleting cookies

In case you regret your acceptance of cookies, you can easily delete them later.
On a PC, you can delete your cookies by using the shortcut keys: Ctrl + Shift + Delete

If the shortcut keys do not work, or if you are using a MAC, you can get help through the following links, depending on the browser you use.

You can read more about cookies in the various browsers here.